I am Cyrus released in paperback

After the success of Alex Jovy’s novel I am Cyrus: The story of the real Prince of Persia released in November 2011, Garnet Publishing has now released the paperback and the ebook edition of this mesmerising history/adventure novel set in ancient Persia, when Cyrus the Great established the largest empire in the human history.

This stunning novel brings to life the enthralling world of Cyrus the Great, the leader of Ancient Persia – the world’s first great empire – and the life and times of Cyrus himself, a magnificent leader whose passion won the hearts of his subjects and of two extraordinary women –  the wildly beautiful warrior Roshan and the exquisite Cassadane. Cyrus’s vision, extraordinarily ahead of its time, of a society where religious tolerance could and should prevail inspired the foundation of his fabulous empire, yet he was ruthless in his conquests, as Ancient Lydia and the fabled city of Babylon – the richest city in the world – fell to him. The book features an emotional love story, as well as riveting battle scenes, and is written with an energy and passion that infuse every page. I am Cyrus brings the ancient history of Iran alive as few other novels do, and is full of action, passion, comedy, tragedy and inspiration, and its theme that true co-operation between people is only won through tolerance, is profoundly relevant to our own times. I am Cyrus is a story that has been close to the critically acclaimed director, Alexander Jovy‘s heart for many years, he recalls his father telling him about ancient Persia (today’s Iran) and the mysteries it holds. As Alex says: ‘I was fascinated even then how such an early civilization could have achieved so much and be so unknown to our modern world.’

You can read the first chapter, watch a video trailer on the book, and order here: http://garnetpublishing.co.uk/book/i-am-cyrus


King Cyrus has been voted the greatest figure of Iran at BBC Persian

The audience of BBC Persian TV, Website and Radio have woted Cyrus the Great, the founder of the Persian Empire 25 centuries ago, as the greatest figure of Iran on April 1 2012 (visit the news here). After receiving feedback from the audience, six  personalities were put to vote among the Iranians to decide who they would choose as the greatest figure of Iran: Zarathustra, Cyrus, Firdowsi, Avecina, Hafiz, and Mouammad Musadeq, the Iranian Priminister who nationalised Iranian oil in the 1950s.

I am CyrusGarnet Publishing is proud to have published the first novel on the life of this Iranian figure, written by the academy award nominee director, Alexander Jovy. You can read more about the book an Cyrus and on Cyrus himself here, and you can also watch a short video trailer on the book.



Launch Event for the Novel I am Cyrus by Alex Jovy on Azargan, the Iranian Festival of Fire: All welcome

Monday, October 24, 2011 06:21

On 30 November 2011, on the Eve of Azargan, the Iranian Festival of Fire, a launch event and signing will take place at the London Review Bookshop on 30th November to coincide with Azargan, the Iranian festival of fire.

Date: 30 November 2011

Time: 7:00–8:30 PM

Place: London Review Bookshop,14-16 Bury Place, WC1A 2JL, London, United Kingdom

Alex Jovy, the author will be present for signing and the even is open to public. He says about his book: The Iranians regard him as” their Father”, the Babylonians as “the liberator”, the Jews as ” The Anointed of the Lord” and the Greeks called him “The Law Giver”, I call him CYRUS.

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I am Cyrus: The story of the real Prince of Persia, by renowned film director, Alexander Jovy

I am Cyrus: The story of the real Prince of Persia

I am Cyrus: The story of the real Prince of Persia, by Alexander Jovi

London, UK, May 2011 — Garnet Publishing has acquired the world rights to the novel I am Cyrus, by Alexander Jovy. This debut novel by the renowned Oscar nominee film director Alexander Jovy covers the life and times of Cyrus the Great, the founder of the Persian empire in the sixth century BC.

Alexander Jovy, who according to the Guardian ‘has the Midas touch’, is one of the most sought-after film directors of his generation. Alex has directed over 40 television commercials as well as Continue reading